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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Camping on Mother's Day

This was a great Mother's day for me. I got to go camping. One of my favorite things to do in the summer. All of my kids came to camp to visit me. What more could a mother want?

Layne, Alicia, and Cody like to play in the dirt when we're camping. There was an old log under the dirt they were trying to dig up. Kept them entertained for awhile.

Cody learned how to climb the ladder into the loft by himself. He still needs a little help to get down.

Layne and Cody in the loft!

Alicia can play in the loft too!

Maizey is here! She came with Mike and Shanna. She knows how to get inside the trailer.

This is Darwin and Dorie's new trailer. They took it out on it's maiden campout this weekend. They worked out a few bugs and everything worked quiet well. Dorie is happy to have running water and lights!! 
That's Mike in the forefront with Cody.

Ah, popcorn and Skipbo. Doesn't get any better than this!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day

Camping season has officially begun! Yeah! We went camping this weekend and had a blast. It is so relaxing. Nothing to do all day. No obligations, no expectations, nothing. Just relax and rejuvenate.
Justin, Sharla, and Dylan came up to visit us on Saturday. We had a good time.

They joined us around the fire. It was a pretty nice day considering it's May 8th.

Justin and Dylan went for a walk together. Sometimes it's hard to remember when Justin was that size. 

Dylan is looking under the trailer. I wonder why?

Dylan crawled under the trailer to get the ball.